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Travel Apps

I have been traveling for a quite awhile now both for work and personal. And every time I travel or planning to travel, I make use of the apps on my phone. So maybe these could help you in your future travels. 😉💚

🔹Airline Apps

These are useful in looking for flights especially during promo. Booking your tickets here is so convenient as well.

So since I am from the Philippines and I usually travel within the country, these are what I need. Though, I think there is no app for PAL but you can always check it online.

I use Skyscanner to check available flights on the best rate both domestic and international. These include the airlines internationally.

🔹Hotel Accommodation Apps

After booking for your plane tickets, it is now the time to reserve for your accommodation. Be it in a luxurious hotel or to affordable inns. You can use these apps for traveling all over the world.

We have Agoda, Airbnb and Aside from these, there are other websites you can book to.

Of these three, I mostly used Agoda because of the Free Cancellation and Pay Later policy. It is also cheaper to book here.

For, some of the hotels will let you pay upon check in. And Airbnb is usually house or condo or other properties converted to Bed and Breakfast.

🔹Social Media Apps

Of course when we are traveling we want to stay connected to our family and friends left behind. We want also to let them be informed with our whereabouts and experiences. So how to do this especially if you are abroad? Through these ⬇⬇⬇

You can always post and chat with them through Facebook, post a photo or video through Instagram or tweet at Twitter.

But aside from these, you can also download apps like Viber, WhatsApp and the like to send free messages, Skype for video calls, etc.

With how the technology evolved these days, your connection with your loved-ones will always be constant. And you do not have to worry! 😃


Before and after every travel, I make sure to drop by TripAdvisor.

Before the travel, this is where I check the reviews on the places I will go. Read feedback on the hotels I will stay, restaurants I will dine or the tourist destinations I will visit. It gives me idea on what I can expect there.

And after my trip, I visit this app again to post my comments and review on where I stayed, I ate and visited. In this way, I can help others decide on their future trips.



The last and one of the most useful apps installed in my phone is WordPress. This is where I write and post my blog. It is like my diary for all my travels. I find it very convenient especially I write blogs when I am just on the mood and my mind is working. 😝


There are many websites and applications available online that you can use to make your travels easy, convenient and fun.

Remember it will always be your choice. Your choice to enjoy or not. Your choice to be happy or not. Your choice to do what you want. Whatever it is just make sure to live it the best. 😍💕👌