It\’s another Monday morning and the last 3 days before September ends. Our day usually starts with my sister listening to a podcast about life and God.
Today, I heard the speaker said that we have the same 24 hours that is given to some famous celebrities like Beyoncรฉ. And I thought, yes, he\’s right. We have the same amount of time every day. We are given the same amount of time with those rich, famous people.
But what\’s the difference? The difference is how we spend it. It varies for every person.
And this has been so timely. Because last week, I wrote my daily schedule dividing 24 hours with different activities. Though this applies for my work days only. But basically, this is a timeline I want to follow. At least for me to be able to still balance work and life. I put it at the side of my laptop so that I can see it every now and then. My nephew would even check on it and ask me about it. ๐

I always wake up at 6AM. Actually, that\’s my first alarm. My second alarm is at 6:30AM. Sometimes, I would wake up before my alarm goes off.
Since I am working from home, I don\’t have to wake up as early as 5AM to start working at 6AM. I just have to wake up a few minutes earlier for me to be able to turn on my laptop. But these days, I would start working at past 6AM. Sometimes, 6:15AM or 6:30AM. And I need to spend 10 hours after that for work. And most of the time I would extend at least 30 minutes to cover the break I did though it\’s part of our shift.
Once I called it a day, I would immediately go to the bed which is just at my back and lay down. Either to sleep or to just rest. But most of the time, I get sleepy so I end up sleeping. About an hour or so. If I still have spare time after waking up and before our dinner, I can study a little bit.
And then, my nephew would call us for dinner. This time, using our walkie talkie. So he does not have to go up. ๐
Our dinner most likely takes about an hour or more. Because during these days, we just not eat. But we would talk about anything. Sometimes, what should we ask Ate Mai to cook. Haha
And this is one of the best things that really happen during this pandemic. We get to spend more time together. We will eat dinner and talk together. ๐
The moment we got up from the dining table, we will do our individual task. Some would wash the dishes, clean the table, refill the pitchers. Before we will head back to our bedrooms.
Sometimes, I would study again after eating. Or write something. Or edit something. But most of the time, I\’m on my phone watching some Korean Drama or Variety Shows. That\’s how it happens until I lay on my bed.
But I tried to change it these days using this timeline that I really hope that I can follow. ๐๐ค
I need to insert a few minutes of exercise, reading a book, singing some songs in YouTube.
While looking on my schedule, I thought how little I get to spend for sleeping. Just 5 or 6 hours at most. Almost 50% of my day is spend at work. And 25% for sleeping. The remaining 25% is spend for other things.
The next thing I asked myself. Is this the timeline I want for my life? Well, for now I have this. And I need to follow this. It\’s quite hard but I guess, I can do it. Just need some determination and push.
But I don\’t know if I will have the same timeline for the coming months or years. What I know is that I want a timeline that will make me truly happy. ๐
How do you spend your 24-hours in a day? Are you happy with it? Or you have something else in mind.
Whatever it is. Make sure you get to spend your 24 hours the best that you can. With zero regrets. ๐
Have Fun! ๐