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How to get to CDO from Laguindingan Airport

Are you going to Cagayan de Oro, Bukidnon, Iligan or any part of Misamis Oriental? You may reach there by sea but the fastest way is by air.

Few years back, Cagayan de Oro\’s Airport is in Lumbia. Just a few minutes away from the city proper.

But now, it is already located in Laguindingan. An hour away from the city. If we are used to hailing a taxi, this will surely cost you big.

A taxi fare from Laguindingan Airport to CDO City is approximately Php 450 to Php 500. That is metered! While going back to the airport will cost around Php 700. Not metered and considered special trip.

Can you imagine spending that amount everytime you visit the city?

So for those who are on budget but still want a comfortable ride.. There are shuttle available outside the airport for only Php 199 each. Some will drop you off to your hotel while others have their own drop area.

One of these shuttles is the Magnum Express. What I love about this is the comfort and the assurance that you will not get late from your flight. Of course, aside from the safe trip.

This is their contact number and schedule of trips.


They also offer van for hire for those who will be visiting places like  Bukidnon.
So for your next trip, visit their terminal at Limketkai Mall if you are from CDO. Or approach their staff in the booth outside Laguindingan Airport.
Happy trip! 😃